I didn’t blog yesterday because the day was filled with “last days of 5th grade” events. Graduation in the morning, the outdoor celebration lunch, followed by the annual field day. Whew!
At the luncheon, one of my friends asked, “Are you going to miss elementary school?” (This is truly the end of our own kids attending elementary…between my stepchildren and my daughter I’ve been involved with the school for 18 years!). Well, of course I am going to miss it…the initimate environment, the innocent wonder in the eyes of the children, the amazing and communicative teachers…I will miss it all. And yet I’m excited for my new middle schooler. I can’t believe how grown up she looked in her dress yesterday. She IS growing up…there’s no stopping her. I thought I’d be more emotional about her graduation than I am…I think I’m sentimental but I’m not grieving. Could this be a reflection of my desire to move forward with her? ( Despite the unknown. Despite the buzz that middle school can be the hardest years of a young person’s life. Despite the challenge of daily managing the changes.) I hope I’m as ready as I feel today for this roller coaster ride.
What musings do you have about your children moving up to middle school in recent years?
Mama J (Diane Fromme) is a Northern-Colorado-based writer who delights in sharing her thoughts about family dynamics and relationships.
Tags: children, Elementary School, Identity, Middle School, Milestones, Social/Cultural, Tweens