Since this is the time of year when winter gets really long in some places, I thought a post on how to have winter fun with our daughters makes sense.  Why nine ideas?  Because you get to fill out number 10! 


  1. Take turns reading a book out loud together.  One of the moms I know at elementary school encouraged her daughter to read out loud early by saying “Oh, I’m so tired.  I can’t read tonight.  Would you read to me?”  Another mom I know has a nineteen-year-old daughter living at home, and they still read out loud to each other.  I think that’s precious.
  2. Play outside.  If you live in a snowy climate, go sledding!  How can you not have fun while you’re sledding?  Absolutely plan for hot chocolate afterwards.  If you live in a temperate climate, your outdoor options are wide open.  Maybe teach your daughter skills for a new sport, such as volleyball or softball.
  3. Cook something together.  Comb the recipe books and find something you will both love to eat when it’s done.  Or, if you’re adventurous, watch the travel channel and try to make something from the Bizarre Foods show.
  4. Find an indoor mini-golf.  Our local mall has glow golf, where you play in the dark.  If you can’t find indoor golf, try bowling at a time of day when your lanes don’t smell like smoke and beer.
  5. Learn a new card game.  You can find a deck of cards for a few dollars.  Search for card games online if you don’t have a book of card games (or even if you do!)  You can also play board games, but buying a new board game can be expensive.
  6. Play or do something your daughter chooses, even if it’s only for 30 minutes.  Sometimes you can combine this with a trade, where you ask her for some time back to do your thing, but occasionally just give this choice to her as your gift.
  7. Schedule a special movie night.  Really research the movies – try to find something relevant to your lives or just the funniest movie you can dream up.
  8. Start a savings plan for a special trip you want to take. Search the internet for a dream vacation, and then brainstorm ways you can cut your budget or divert money from one activity to a savings plan so that your dream can become a reality.
  9. Teach your daughter a life skill she’s ready to learn.  For a young child, maybe it’s memorizing a few key phone numbers.  For a near-tween, what to do in case of several different types of emergencies.  For an older child, have her show you how she is ready to stay home alone, babysit, cook by herself, etc.  Act things out when possible.  Involve the entire family.  Have fun!
  10. Your idea for winter fun with your daughter is:



Mama J (Diane Fromme) is a writer, parent, and stepparent located in Northern Colorado, which is sometimes snowy and sometimes temperate. For more information on her book, Stepparenting the Grieving Child, go to

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